Tefillin are special leather boxes with straps containing parchments
with passages from the Torah written by a skilled scribe, called a sofer.
Tefillin are worn during weekday morning services (i.e., not on Shabbat or festivals).
They are placed on one's head and arm, as the Torah says in Deuteronomy 6:8:
"You shall bind them as a sign upon your hand, and
they should be for a reminder between your eyes."
Tefillin have a tremendous power to connect us to G‑d.
When purchasing a pair of tefillin, care should be taken to buy from a dependable store
in order to ensure that the tefillin are properly hand-written by a duly-qualified sofer.
Over the course of time, tefillin can begin to deteriorate.
Therefore, it is a good idea to have your tefillin checked at regular intervals.
Contact the Rabbi if you'd like to put on tefillin!
If you would like to learn to put on tefillin or would like to purchase tefillin,
or if you need your tefillin checked, please contact
Rabbi Berel Sasonkin at 631-903-0174 or ChabadYIP@Gmail.com.
For more information about tefillin, click here.